Sunday, October 16, 2011

Times never forgotten

Crazy blog time!! This is going to be my FINAL blog post that is catching up on things, after this one I will be able to post about things as they happen. Charles made fun of me the other day, after reading a post about the first week in September a month after it happened... I think this is getting a bit extreme. I hope I don't forget anything important, the order of events might not be too accurate either... here it goes anyway :)

Every weekend something fun and memorable has happened. A few weekends ago alot of crazy things happened. We went to see a Sloan concert downtown and it was one of the most fun nights even to this day in the program ! People might make fun of me for writing about stuff that happened so long ago, but I really enjoy it ! It gives me a chance to remember and live it all again vicariously through my own thoughts ! That night, Kayla and I decided to dress up nice, seeing as we don't get many opportunities on a program like this!! It was so great, the energy all around was crazy and fun! Kayla and I took a break from the excitement to run as fast as we could through the crowd, sounds crazy but it was so exhilarating! After we met up with the rest of the group that had decided to go to the concert as well, we started our own dance party in the street!! It was so amazing, we got crazy looks, I think I must have looked like a loon! It was just so much fun though, Kayla and I had the BEST dresses on to twirl around in. That night, I didn't have a care in the world, and it was just fun :) The next night Charles and Ben came over and cooked us a Ghanaian meal! They've done that a few times now, I think I'm going to love the food there! A lot of carbs, and cabbage I think? Mary and Ben decided they were going to open a restaurant in Ghana when we get back called MBFC, a.k.a Mary and Ben's Fried Chicken! hahaha so fun :)

Our Ghanaian meal, Jellof rice and chicken :)

Dancing in the street !!!

Kayla and I with our twirly skirts
One of the many cool aspects of Canada World Youth are our E.A.D's, Educational Activity Days. At the beginning of this phase, we decided the subjects for each day, then Jess and BB ( our project supervisors) decided pairs and assigned each pair to a subject! That pair is then in charge of presenting that subject to the group on their given day! The subjects include transportation (mine), religion, history, environment etc, the aim of these days is to learn as much of the community as possible in order to best improve and understand it. So far we've had an E.A.D on security, education and history. They have all been great and fun, and I'm really learning a lot about Moncton!

Two weekends ago, BB had a party at his house! That was SO much fun :)! Hardly any of the Ghanaians had ever swam before so we got them all in the pool ( even though it was freezing and raining).  After piling 3 pool noodles under Mary and Lokita, and helping them get over the initial fear of taking your feet off the bottom, we had them swimming like fish!!! I guess we who swim forget how amazing weightlessness feels because, well you jump in, and you just float! Its natural and effortless and for me anyway, I cant remember a time I didn't know how to swim, we take advantage of little things like that everyday.

The next day (Sunday), Moncton was hosting a CIBC Run for the Cure! Our whole team was asked to attend and volunteer as cheerleaders for the runners, but Kayla and I had a different idea. We decided to participate in the run itself . It was so much fun, a real challenge for me though! I know I couldn't have completed it if it wasn't for Kayla pushing me through and the rest of the team cheering me on along the way. It was something about Eddie thrusting along with screaming GO GO GO  that i KNOW got me through the last km.

I'M SO TIRED OF BLOGGING . Ok, what did I say at the beginning of this one? That I would write everything up to date? Who was I kidding..  I'd say I'm almost there! Should only take one more, but for now I need to get back to the movie. I'm watching prom night with Priscilla and Mary! I'm using Mary to hide behind, so scared right now!!

Ill post again ASAP
Hope everything is well with you all <3

Pumpkin Juice and Love !!

Jillian xo