Saturday, November 26, 2011

SNOW with 5 days to go !!!!!

I would say this has been the hardest week so far in the program. It has challenged me, taught me, hurt me, and helped me. I don't really feel like explaining every detail, cause its been hard enough, I would like to put emphasis on the good tonight :) SO first of all, the snow came!! That day, was the best day. Last day of work, it was a little sad. I'm really going to miss the staff and the kids, Ive had a great time getting to know them all !  Walking home, I really had fun. I was just by myself, but it was snowing! The first real snow Ive seen this year, I forgot how happy snow made me. Covering everything like a beautiful white blanket. Just walking I started by picking up a handful of the fluffy stuff and throwing it in the air! Then I couldn't help but run, I slipped and fell and couldn't help laughing at myself, laughing so hard I couldn't get up, the people driving by really probably thought I was insane. But I was LOVING it so I didn't even care.
   I'm going to miss snow when I go to Ghana, which is in 5 days in case you didn't know. Everyone is getting so excited! Quin is already all packed. Ive started to pack! Were supposed to get done in the next few days. Monday to Wednesday we have debriefing, were doing it here so that we have 2 days of free time in Montreal ! I haven't made any plans with Priscilla or anyone, but were thinking a nice dinner, and maybe explore old Montreal? Who knows!
   Earlier this week there were some fun things that went on! Monday was Lokita and Corbin's E.A.D, renamed Aboriginal Culture Day. It was a very informative and inspiring day! We went to the first and only aboriginal art Gallery in the Maritime. Its incredible how the Maritime, where aboriginals first settled in Canada, has had no place to display their art, or their culture at all. Aboriginals all across Canada are being repressed, in the Maritime more than anywhere. Its really sad and unfair, they have so much to tell, so much to share. The story of Pascal and his wife, their determination to bring Aboriginal culture to the Maritime is so incredible! They fought doubt and discrimination but never gave up. They also ran the first ever National Aboriginal day ever in Moncton. It was a really fun day :)
   Tuesday morning there was a goodbye BBQ at Habitat and Restore! It was pretty sad leaving that work placement, the director Ron, was really alot of fun to be around. I'm going to miss him most!! Thursday, Charles came to join Eric and I for our own last day at Habitat. In the morning before he got there though, Eric and I went out to have fun and take pictures in the snow!! We made THE best snowman, it was alot of fun. Charles wasn't left out though, once he got there Eric and I made sure he got a taste of the snow fun, with a few balls to the face! It was also a really fun day.
   This is it for now, Kayla and I are watching Marley and Me on the TV. Its horrible torture, oh how I miss my Quincy. I hope hes well at home.
   I hope everyone is well at home ! GHANA IN 5!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH SO PUMPEDDDDD!!!!!!!

Pumpkin Juice and Love

Jillian xo

Ps- I just finished Marley and me and Kayla and I are bawling. Warning: If you have a dog, and you havnt seen him for three months, and you wont see him for another 3, Do not watch. I want my puppy here. I want my bestfriend, so Mum and Stu make sure he stays safe until I come home. Hes my baby.