Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ghana, tomorrow, CRAZY STUFF

So, I leave for Ghana tomorrow. Its really crazy how fast time flew here! When I look back at what I have done, what I have learned, how I have changed, and what has changed me, its truly incredible.

For the past week we have been saying goodbye to the community and I have to admit, I'm going to really miss Moncton. Before I start with details about that however, Id like to say a little bit about an article we read a couple of days ago during our debriefing. It was titled "To hell with good intentions" and it really made alot of sense I came to find. It told of the harm we are doing going into a developing country to "help", to "volunteer", or to "make a difference". Ill use the example used in the article about the Peace Corps. Did you know they spend 10 000 dollars on each missionary to train and prepare them for the culture shock they will experience when they go overseas? Its ridiculous, because they go into countries of which they know nothing of. They know nothing of the culture or the state of its people, they have a single story of places like Ghana or other African countries and that is that the people are poor, starving and need THEIR help. Meanwhile, the people of that very country have just as much capability to help themselves. Imagine sending as much money spent on training missionaries, directly to a developing country or an organisation there! Not only would it provide jobs for people, it would empower them and help the overall economic state of that very country. Try putting yourself in the shoes of another if I'm not really making sense to you. Imagine living in a developing country yourself, and imagine a white foreigner coming to your country, with no knowledge of its people, of respect for those people, or how the country itself works. Now wouldn't it be hurtful and maybe even insulting if that foreigner came to you thinking they had a solution to all of your problems? Thinking that you had begged for their help? And having them disrespect your culture simply because they know nothing of it?

With this I just want to clarify a few things. Alot of people believe that on this trip, I'm changing our world and I'm making a difference. This is a false statement. Don't get me wrong, I hope to have inspired a few people along the way, and raised awareness on different issues, but the reality of it is, this is a trip for MY self. Its to change me, to make me aware of conflict and how to resolve it. Its about learning and being immersed in the true culture of Ghana which translates to really seeing the country; really knowing it; really understanding it. This trip is about working cross culturally and gaining skills in that department, its about realising my own potential and my own life goals. So, not meant in any bad way, but please don't think I'm out changing the world, I'm out changing me. Maybe that's the first step to changing the world? Maybe its the first step to changing a tiny fraction of it? All I know is I'm learning a heck of alot of stuff about myself, and the world around me and that's a first step towards something good.

With that said, I leave for Ghana tomorrow guys! The day we've all been waiting for. Ive had such a wonderful past few days with Barb and Brian. We even put a Christmas tree up!! I'm really going to miss living with them. Its had its challenges for sure, we've gone through some ups and downs, but you've heard me say before, whats an experience without a few challenges? Barb has taught me so many things about life, and really living. I would have to say some of my best memories are sitting down one on one with her, and listening to her wise words. I'm going to miss living in a house with Mary and Kayla as well. In Ghana Priscilla and I are going to be in a host family just the two of us. Its a sad transition, but the way I see it, is everything has extreme potential to get better and better, and i just know this trip is going to unfold that way :)

I have to sign of now , i really need to get a good nights sleep ! Lots of travelling ahead of me.

Pumpkin juice and love

Jillian xo