Sunday, April 15, 2012


I apologize, I do not have the energy or the time to write a real blog (takes a while, truly!), and besides, I have letters to get to writing tonight! However I have had a few people follow up on my last blog really wanting to see pictures! So I thought I could afford to put aside 20 minutes this evening to post a few. And Ill admit, I like to take any opportunity ( or excuse if you may ) to look over my trip pictures :)

I present to you, a brief summary of my life in Otuam, Ghana! ( I apologize again, the photos did not upload in order but any who )

Malaria outreach at a Methodist school in another community.

One of the groups we talked to about malaria and malaria prevention

Ghanada 2011/2012 <3 the fam jam

Kayla's Home, note the house is titled "Jerusalem house", painted by Kayla as requested by her Host Family!!


Just love this picture <3

Fan Choco and FanICE, delicious frozen treats 

The girls I taught at John Mensah Academy

Eddie! My wonderful work counter part and a couple of our students Samuel and Eric!

My second english class, junior high school level 1, Erin, Grace and Fatima!

Sharing my candy canes with Fatima, winner of our spelling b!  Class lesson:  Christmas in Canada

More of me with my students

The girls in my house, Efua, Payin and Fatima! Doing their wash

Otuam timbits!

Otuam, Methodist Church in the background

My chair on my front porch, where I would sit many afternoons to write :)

View out the front of my house

Mom, Priscilla, Bella and I!

The Family

Host brother... 50 pound suitcase... 

Other host brother, Jo

Nicholas, also known as Sea man ! 

Note the Canadian flags! Our departure 


Ghanaian cloth!
Beach, in Otuam

Zoe and I in the "tro tro"

Priscilla and her SHOES

Out the window of the Tro tro 

Community centre! Where we held all of our group meetings


Doing our wash!

Jo and his beloved cat

Cute goats!!!
Jillian xo