Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The possibilities are endless !

Time now to tell you about our free days!! Two weekends ago was the first weekend we had to truly relax! On Saturday, we welcomed Theressa to our group. Because we are missing 2 Canadians, Jess was in charge of finding two more Canadians awesome enough to prepare and get here before it gets too late. Theressa had only 2 weeks to prepare! I cant imagine preparing, especially mentally, for a trip like this in a mere 14 days! The minute Theressa met us all (after we basically jumped on her all 16 of us) she fit right in, and after a few hours it was like she had been there since day one! Fits right into the group, and at this point I think everybody loves everybody:)

Later that night Charles and Ben came over so we could all work on our portfolios! Although, not much work got done. Charles had this weird thing about wanting us to paint his nails! He had been bugging us since the first day at Tatamagouche to do it ( who knows why) anyway, so we did, and what a fine job we did do!

Sunday, Mary and Priscilla were feeling pretty worn out so they stayed in most of the day to relax and watch TV. Kayla and I decided instead that we were going to go for a little bike ride around town. With our Canadian weather stress setting in, because it was a beautiful day outside we did not want to miss being outside, knowing the weather that is on its way. We only planned on a short ride to the library, but after arriving there and it being closed (for the third time) we looked at each other and realized, with our bikes, the possibilities are endless; and so our adventure began! We went to the mall, around to the park, all over Riverview, to coldstone... mmmm so good. It was such a wonderful day!!

Its hard to remember what happened when so now I think ill just list a few things I've done that I want to share :)

1. Kayla and I's first attempt at cookies!! After putting in all the ingredients for peanut butter cookies, we realized we had no baking soda, so we compensated for such with baking powder!! And continued on. Next , Kayla pulled out the oats and we were ready to put them in when I realized there are no oats in peanut butter cookies... and that we had been reading the wrong recipe the whole time!! SO we compensated again, this time with a little extra flower. After baking cookies for 45 minutes ( 20 minutes with the oven turned off), we had our cookies. Even though they were horrible , we had such fun making them neither of us cared much!
2. Charles, Kayla and I decided to go swimming one day after work ! It was all fine until we got there, where they told us we needed to wear bathing caps in the pool. After laughing for about 10 minutes about them ( on the floor laughing) we marched into the change room with our lost and found bathing caps ready for the swim!    Not only did we look DAMN fine, we got to do water aerobics led by, yours truly, finished off with a beautiful  synchronised swimming routine to mambo number 5.
3. Mary braided my hair!! took a very long time, but i must say, corn rows suit me quite well :)
4. KATIMAVIK HOUSE PARTY. Lucky for us, there was a Katimavik group right here in Moncton! After a long day with the group talking about group norms and such, we walked to join the volunteers of Katimavik  for a Ghanaian meal and dance! Katimavik is a program much like CWY, although it is across Canada only and instead of living in host families, the whole group lives together in one house. It took a while for the group to warm up to the Ghanaian's way of dancing (intense grinding on each other but with no sexual intention), but it took only a few minutes before everyone was up and dancing together! We danced and danced, then ate peanut soup and rice balls!! Then danced quite a bit more. It was SUCH a fun night.

Its hard to believe its only been a month that I've been in this crazy program. I feel like I've known everyone my whole life. We all get along so well and I cant imagine what it will be like to say goodbye after these six months. They have become my family. Its hard, everyone tells you not to anticipate the end, not to think about it but rather enjoy each day as it happens. Its hard, practically impossible but I'm doing my best to live in these moments. I remember the day I got accepted to CWY and it seems like so long ago! Times flies, so friggin fast.

It is now 11 o'clock, Ill attach some pictures this time, and then ill be off to bed so that I'm ready to take on my day  tomorrow! Its a busy one.

Pumpkin juice and love!!

Jillian xo

 Our more successful attempt at cookie making!

 Kayla, Charles and I looking DAMN fine in our bathing caps :)

 Moncton :)

 Working in our country groups to identify the difference between Moncton culture and our own 

Katimavik and CWY salad :)